Accounting & Taxes for E-Commerce Sellers

Hundreds of individuals, from across the US are contacting us for our bookkeeping and tax services. What do they all have in common? They are e-commerce sellers and we have just the right tools for them. Having previously been Amazon sellers, we understand your business, what tools you use, we speak the same language as you, and we know what your business needs from an accounting perspective to be successful! We've been in this industry longer than most of our clients have been in business.
Now, don't worry! We are not active Amazon Sellers. We spend our time focusing on helping our clients with their businesses. The great news though, is that we are still members of multiple Amazon Seller groups on Facebook and we are continuously updated on industry changes and hot topics. With over 300 new inquiries per year, we are constantly growing as an organization, learning what new tools and resources our clients need, and coming up with a plan to make it happen! 

We are small business owners helping you, on your journey to success.